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标题: jquery 分割大单元格 [打印本页]

作者: admin    时间: 2016-1-5 15:57     标题: jquery 分割大单元格

function doPrint(action) { // 打印文档对象 var myDoc = { documents : document, copyrights : '杰创软件拥有版权' // 版权声明必须 }; normalizeRowHeight($('#break-table'), 380); if (action == '打印预览') getJatoolsPrinter().printPreview(myDoc); else if (action == '打印') getJatoolsPrinter().print(myDoc, true); else getJatoolsPrinter().print(myDoc, false); } function normalizeRowHeight($table, maxHeight) { $('tr', $table).each(function() { var $tr = $(this); if (!$'.handled') && $tr.height() > maxHeight) { // 高度超过最大值,需要分割单元格 var maxCellIndex = null; var maxChars = 0; var $tds = $('td', $tr); $tds.each(function(i) { if ($(this).text().length > maxChars) { maxCellIndex = i; maxChars = $(this).text().length; } }); var $clonedTr = $tr.clone(true); var $maxCell = $($tds[maxCellIndex]); var $clonedMaxCell = $($clonedTr.find('td')[maxCellIndex]); var text = $maxCell.text(); var from = 0; var to = text.length; var selected = null; while (from < to - 1) { selected = text.substring(0, (from + to) / 2); $maxCell.text(selected); if ($tr.height() > maxHeight) { to = selected.length; } else from = selected.length; } $tr.addClass('handled'); $clonedMaxCell.text(text.substring(selected.length)); $clonedTr.insertAfter($tr); normalizeRowHeight($table, maxHeight); return false; } }) }

作者: admin    时间: 2016-1-6 11:07

function doPrint(action) { // 打印文档对象 var myDoc = { documents : document, copyrights : '杰创软件拥有版权' // 版权声明必须 }; normalizeRowHeight($('#break-table'), 380); if (action == '打印预览') getJatoolsPrinter().printPreview(myDoc); else if (action == '打印') getJatoolsPrinter().print(myDoc, true); else getJatoolsPrinter().print(myDoc, false); } function normalizeRowHeight($table, maxHeight) { if (!$".handled")) { var cols = 0; $('tr:first', $table).children().each(function() { if ($(this).attr('colspan')) { cols += +$(this).attr('colspan'); } else { cols++; } }); _normalize($table, maxHeight, cols); $table.addClass("handled"); } } function _normalize($table, maxHeight, cols) { var rowspans = []; $('tr', $table).each(function(row) { var $tr = $(this); var c = 0; $tr.children().each(function(i) { for (; c < cols;) { if (!rowspans[c] || (--rowspans[c].rows) == 0) { break; } c += rowspans[c].colspan; } rowspans[c] = { index : i, row : row, rows : parseInt($(this).attr("rowspan") || 1), rowspan : parseInt($(this).attr("rowspan") || 1), colspan : parseInt($(this).attr("colspan") || 1), $target : $(this) } c += rowspans[c].colspan; }); if (!$'.handled') && $tr.height() > maxHeight) { // 高度超过最大值,需要分割单元格 var maxCellIndex = null; var maxChars = 0; var $tds = $('td', $tr); $tds.each(function(i) { if ($(this).text().length > maxChars) { maxCellIndex = i; maxChars = $(this).text().length; } }); var $clonedTr = $tr.clone(true); var $maxCell = $($tds[maxCellIndex]); var $clonedMaxCell = $($clonedTr.find('td')[maxCellIndex]); var selectText = function($node) { var text = $node.text(); var from = 0; var to = text.length; var selected = null; while (from < to - 1) { selected = text.substring(0, (from + to) / 2); $node.text(selected); if ($tr.height() > maxHeight) { to = selected.length; } else from = selected.length; } return selected; } var makeFit = function($target, $clonedTarget) { var children = $target.children(); if (children.length) { $clonedTarget.html(""); for (var k = children.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) { var $k = $(children[k]); $k.remove(); if ($tr.height() > maxHeight) { // 去掉,还是超高,将这个,放到$clonedMaxCell上去 $k.prependTo($clonedTarget); } else { // 去掉$k可以,加上就超高,一分两半,前半部分在这行,后半部分,到后面行 var $clonedK = $k.clone(true); $k.appendTo($target); $clonedK.prependTo($clonedTarget); makeFit($k, $clonedK); /* * var selected = selectText($k); $k.text(selected); * $clonedK.text($clonedK.text() * .substring(selected.length)); * $clonedK.prependTo($clonedTarget); */ break; } } } else { var selected = selectText($target); $target.text(selected); $clonedTarget.text($clonedTarget.text() .substring(selected.length)); } } makeFit($maxCell, $clonedMaxCell); $tr.addClass('handled'); $clonedTr.insertAfter($tr); var $clonedCells = $clonedTr.children(); for (var x = 0; x < cols; x++) { var cell = rowspans[x]; if (cell) { if (!(cell.row == row && cell.rowspan == 1)) { // 如果不是当前行,或者, var span = parseInt(cell.$target.attr("rowspan") || 1); cell.$target.attr("rowspan", span + 1); if (cell.row == row && cell.rowspan > 1) { $($clonedCells[cell.index]).remove(); } } } } _normalize($table, maxHeight, cols); return false; } }) }

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